Dwindling water resources have become a global problem in recent years. The optimization of its quantity is therefore becoming a trend not only in agriculture but also on golf or football courses. And green urban spaces are not left behind in this area either.

Therefore, Prague 2 has established cooperation with the Czech technology companies CleverFarm and PlantControl within the Sustainable Two program. They supplied the city with intelligent IoT sensors and other sophisticated devices that are able to monitor humidity and soil and air temperature in addition to the total precipitation. Based on the data measured in this way, the intelligent platform uses the IoT irrigation control units to set the optimum irrigation level. Thanks to them, cities will save hectoliters of water per year and tens of thousands of crowns for electricity.
Full article on IoT portal:
Čas na změnu. Praha 2 zavádí chytré zavlažování, ušetřit může statisíce ročně