About Us
Guided by innovation & sustainability
We decided to hack the irrigation business. From the idea of a hackathon, we have moved on to a real commercial product. We use state-of-the-art IoT technology to upgrade existing irrigation systems. PlantControl develops and supplies IoT intelligent units and a platform for controlling irrigation systems. PlantControl units run on batteries and are directly connected to the Internet via NB IoT or LoRa network. This allows great flexibility and speed of deployment even on existing irrigation systems.
In media
Watch a podcast from SIT Port, where we dive into who we are
and what we bring into the world.
In czech only, automatic subtitles available.
Our Team
Strong pillars with a vision for the future.

Pavel König
Cofounder & CEO at PlantControl
- founder of NVIAS
- B2B business director AIMTEC
- changing the future generation from consumers to creators
- turning ideas into products and products into startups
Oldřich Novák
Cofounder & CTO at PlantControl
- innovation engineer Novartis
- director platform engineering Adidas
- integration and cloud architect
- IoT evangelist

Start saving water!
You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore – Christopher Columbus